Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Work It...

 Last week, I finally got myself a membership to a gym that is super close to my office so that I can use my lunch hour to work out. I’m planning to start with 3 days a week, and see where that leads. Once summer hits, I plan to do a lot of walking at lunch in the nearby ravine, but still will hit the gym for resistance training. I also have an elliptical machine at home, which needs to be put to use more often!

It’s definitely time to lose this “baby weight”. I’m at a weight that I was at long before I got pregnant and struggled then to get rid of, but now, it’s a different kind of weight. Things have shifted and even though the scale shows the same number, my body is certainly different. Either way, I’m not happy with my fitness level, and it’s time to get serious about improving it.

Over an hour-long lunch break, between driving and changing, I end up with 40 minutes of actual exercise time; 10 minutes are dedicated to a warm up, which leaves me with 30 minutes of resistance training. I need to find a good routine that can be done in that amount of time, and hit all the body parts in 3 workouts.

Soon, it will be time to start shopping around for a chariot so that I can go for bike rides again and bring Nikolas along with me! I’m so looking forward to winter being over and spending lots of time outside!

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