I have comments open here so that readers of this blog can connect with me and share their experiences in parenthood. Each time I publish a post, I add a link to my Facebook page, which I have decided to stop doing. I figure If people really want to follow my blog, they will. And if they want to leave nasty comments, they can do so here without berating me publicly in front of all my friends on Facebook.
It's sad though, that this one person had to go and spoil this experience for me. This one person who is supposed to be one of my top supporters and has now turned their back on me and refuses to talk to me because I opened up and shared my true feelings about how I'd like to be treated.
One very good lesson I've recently learned is that you cannot control how people treat you, but you can control how you react to them. My feeling go between being hurt and being really pissed off. You just don't treat people that you love that way. If they ask for love, show it. Don't with hold it as punishment for being honest.

Anyway, onto more positive things. My baby is almost 10 months old! Where in the hell has the time gone? Since the end of June, it's just been a whirlwhind around here as he gains more independance and wants to DISCOVER EVERYTHING! Nothing in the house below hip-height is safe. I've told Matt that I anticipate Nikolas to be walking by the end of August. He's crawling like a mad-man and holding onto furntiture & walls while walking. Yesterday, he let go of the couch for the first time, and realized he was standing by himself. He got so excited that he started flailing his arms around and giggling and then.......he promptly fell on his bum.
I recently read something about a baby's determination that is so true. While babies develop, they have to repeat an action over and over (and over and over) again to perfect it. Walking, for example. A baby will fall hundreds of times before he or she takes those first amazing steps. They don't give up after a couple times because they do not immediately master a new skill. They just get back up and try again! Wouldn't it be great if we could all follow that example and just keep on trying even if we fail at first? We don't have to be perfect at something the first time we try it. Maybe that's why some people go on to have more than one child!

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