Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mile-a-Minute Milestones

The past week with Nikolas has been such an adventure.

Last week, on Father's Day, I noticed that there was a tooth poking out! I hadn't noticed any of the typical signs of teething...nothing out of the ordinary, anyways. Nikolas is always chewing on everything, and drooling is pretty typical.So when he grabbed hold of my finger and started chomping on it, I was surprised to feel a little nubbin in there! Finally! A tooth has arrived!

Then Monday arrived. And our lives were forever changed. Nikolas officially started crawling. And he quickly figured out to get where he wanted to go. Fast. Honestly, I thought we'd have more time to prepare. It hasn't been that long that he's been trying to propel himself from sitting to being on all fours. And there would usually be a leg stuck or in the way somehow. So when he suddenly figured it out, he realized that he now had freedom. And now he could go anywhere he wanted!

I'd like to know why babies are attracted to the stuff they should not be touching, chewing, or eating. He is so interested in the TV stand, and all the boxes with blinking lights on them. Who wouldn't be? And don't forget about the dog's water and food dishes. I can't keep him away from them! On Wednesday, I was vaccuming, and when I turned around, I found Nikolas chewing on the cord! I wonder if his Baba told him a story about the time she did that, and the cord blew up in her mouth?

Most of my day is now spent shouting "Nikolas, NO!" and relocating him to a safe place with new distractions. I've reorganized all the lower cupboards in my kitchen and have created a baby-safe cupboard for him to play in. I've put padding all around the glass shelves of the TV stand. We were obviously not thinking about babies when we made that purchase! All plug-ins within his reach have been baby proofed. I still have to install the gate I bought for the top of the stairs. But this morning I realized I'll soon need one for the bottom of the stairs as well...he's trying to climb them already!

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