Thursday, January 28, 2010

3 Months

Well, Nikolas turned 3 months old 2 weeks ago, and it is really like something clicked. Not that there have been a large number of new things, it just feels better. He’s sleeping better, he’s interactive and loves to “talk” to us, and I just feel like I understand him better now. It’s actually hard to remember all the new things he does, and then try to write about them..there’s just too much! I’m going to start writing down little things that he does so that I can recall when and what happened....everything is still such a blur.

We’re still struggling with nap time, despite my best efforts to get him to sleep in his bassinet for naps. He’ll cry for a whole hour before I give in, and when that happens, it’s so frustrating. The paediatrician said to put him down with a full tummy; after an hour, he can’t have that full feeling anymore. But then he’s cried for the whole time that he could have been sleeping and is so worked a nap gets missed. It’s hard, because I want him to fall asleep on his own, but then I also want him to get his sleep. Sometimes I’ll just let him sleep while I hold him. One day this week, I actually let him fall asleep in my arms, then went and lay down with him. We actually had the best nap together that lasted a good two hours. Other times, he’ll go straight into his swing and I’ll let him stay in there until he falls asleep. Who could have guessed that sleep would have been the main focus of my days?

I have finally started to exercise again, which is making me feel great when it happens. I’d been sitting idle for so long it was driving me crazy. I have an elliptical machine plus a trainer for my bike, so I have a couple of options for cardio plus some hand weights and an exercise ball, which I have yet to inflate. I’ll try to exercise while Nikolas is napping, or if he’s awake and seems to be in a mood to entertain himself, he’ll go in his chair or his exersaucer beside me while I exercise. It’s also a good time for me to catch up on the Bachelor :)

So, a summary of a few things that Nikolas is up to now:

  • He’s using his jumperoo, and although he hasn’t gotten the hang of jumping yet, he is fascinated by the toys attached to it

  • He’s grabbing at all kinds of things: blankets, toys, my cell phone, the remote, etc. And the first thing he does is bring the object to his mouth
  • He’s not so much sucking on things anymore as he’s chewing. He’ll gnaw on anything that gets near his mouth. I’m scared he’s going to teeth early! I feel his gums daily to see if I can feel anything, but nothing of significance appears to be there
  • He sat in his high chair for the first time this week! Matt’s parents were over for dinner, and his mom was holding Nikolas while trying to eat. I thought it’d be neat to see if he’d do it, and with a little support of a rolled up blanket, he does great in it! He’s very attentive when we eat and watches us very closely. I wonder how soon we’ll be trying out cereal!

  • He fell asleep in his crib! I usually put him in there when I need to shower or get ready to leave the house. Set him in, turn on the mobile and he’s entertained for a little awhile. Yesterday while I was getting ready, I noticed that it was very quiet in his room. So I snuck a peek, and he was asleep! I need to get black out curtains for his room before I put him in there with the intent of sleeping, but it’s good to know that it can happen.

  • He’s almost too big for 3-6 month sized clothing
  • He puts all of his weight on his legs when we stand him up and will ‘step’ when moved

Every day is filled with laughter and love and it’s so exciting to see all the new things my little monkey is doing.

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