Thursday, October 28, 2010

Birthday Boy!

The past few weeks, I’ve been doing alot of reflecting on the past year, and really wondering where the time has gone. To think that a year ago, we were just beginning to adjust to this tiny little boy who we compared to an ewok – based only on the little noises he made, and now we are playing games and teaching him body parts.

Our conversations have gone from “but he ate only 2 hours can he be hungry again???” to “oh my god...look...he’s walking!” It has been such a ride of ups and downs, and in the beginning everyone would say it gets easier, and I’d get so frustrated, and say “When!? When does it get easier?!” But sure enough, as each month goes by, I think to myself, “this is the best age”. And it really does get easier. Or maybe now we’re just more confident in what we’re doing and let’s face it....we’re getting alot more sleep than we did in the beginning.

For Nikolas’ birthday, I wanted to keep the celebrations small and to include only some family and friends to join us. I wanted it to be simple and stress-free. And it was! It turned out to be the perfect day. I can’t believe how fast my little monkey is growing up!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Fotos


Just about a month ago, my maternity leave ended and I went back to work 3 days a week. Life has once again undergone a big change and we’re trying to adjust to the new way things are.

I really made sure to take advantage of the last few weeks that I got to spend every day with Nikolas, and to not be woken up at 5:30 by an alarm clock...and hitting snooze just isn’t an option anymore.  Now that golf season is winding down, Matt is home in the mornings, so helps out with getting Nikolas up and out the door, which helps so much. But, it’s been a pretty big change in our lives and let’s face it, I’m now even more busy that I used to be.

Nikolas is doing great at his day home, despite the fact that he’s been sick for almost a month straight now. (Yayy germs!) He doesn’t cry when I drop him off and he’s always happy to see me at the end of the day when I pick him up.  The lady who watches him is great and she’s always amazed at what a good eater he is.

It’s nice being at work and spending some time in an adult environment. I’m enjoying having time to be me for a little bit before I return home and am inundated with a dog, a baby and a husband to take care of, supper to cook and try to fit in going to gym somewhere in there. But we’re adjusting and trying to find a groove that works well for us.

It’s only 4 more days until Nikolas turns ONE YEAR OLD. I can’t believe a year has gone by already and that our little boy is growing up so fast.  We’re just having a low-key BBQ for his birthday, but there’s still lots of planning and shopping that needs to get done by the weekend.
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